Effective Networking at Public Events Post-Pandemic (Part 1) - Episode 7


On Episode 7 of Advice From The Hart, Chris shares his thoughts on how to approach networking at marketing events.

He gives insights on preparation, finding balance, and providing real value before asking for something in return.


[1:00] What is different about marketing events post-pandemic?

The way people communicate and interact has changed a lot post-pandemic. You need to start your preparations and relationship-building before the event.

  • Respect the other person’s time
  • Start outreach and setup meetings and chats before you arrive at the event
  • Get an understanding of why people are going to the event and what value they intend to get out of it.

[4:53] What should your event goals be?

  • Know the specific people you want to build relationships with
  • Help your desired networking prospects to understand what you do and how it can be helpful to their business
  • Figure out what opportunities and industries you want to work with
  • Don’t just try to buy/sell

[6:32] What are you giving?

It could very well be, oh, you’re having this problem? I know somebody that could at least listen and know how to maybe advise you on what you need to do, or just tell you what has to happen.

Focus on any way that you could build the relationship by adding value versus taking value first. You’re in good shape there.


  • Find commonalities with other attendees
  • Listen to questions asked and talking points
  • Pace yourself

[10:51] How to maximize the event

  • Project your value
  • Represent your company well
  • Make your contacts ahead of time
  • Network your clients as well

Christopher Hart

Title: Executive Director of Client Strategy at iPullRank

Bio: Interactive marketing veteran specializing in strategy, operations, business development, client services, project management, and leadership of Search Engine Optimization “SEO” for digital/social/mobile/content marketing campaigns that enable clients & organizations to drive measurable returns while consistently exceeding expectations.

Leveraging 20 years of interactive experience, he has optimized integrated programs across all channels in the Publishing, Entertainment, Insurance, Finance, Banking, Energy, Legal, B2B, and B2C industries.


Host: Garrett Sussman

Title: Demand Generation Manager

Garrett loves SEO like the 90s loves slap bracelets.

Every other week he interviews Chris about the world of enterprise brands and their agency relationships.

Enjoy this series? Check out Garrett’s video show round-up of everything search engine optimization: The SEO Weekly

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