The “new normal”, a term that has been thrown around since the start of the coronavirus pandemic and something that everybody has to more or less adapt to, is affecting everyday life in a way that we’ve never seen before.
Many members of the iPullRank team is based in NYC, where the effects of the pandemic have been quite disastrous, to say the least. Nevertheless, spirits are up here at iPullRank, and members of the team joined together and discussed the different aspects of life that have been affected outside of work. And ranked different things that people have been doing now in the “new normal”. Here’s the discussion. (April 17th, 2020)
And we sincerely hope that everybody is in good health and continue to practice precautions. Wish you all the best.
Video Transcription:
Jarrett Thomas:
Hey, good afternoon. Thank you for joining us at rankable live today. I’ll be your host, Jarrett Thomas. I’m a senior account executive here at iPullRank and I’m also joined by my colleagues, managing director Mike King. And I’m also joined by our senior account manager and also our glue of the team Shantel Branch.
Shantel Branch:
Hello. Good afternoon. How are you?
(Skipping the part where Jarrett is experiencing mic issues)
Shantel Branch:
I was just going to talk to you about all these photos in the background there. That’s all I’ve got for right now. I don’t want to step on Jarrett’s talk. But how are you doing today? It’s Friday. The end of week. What? Six, of this?
Mike King:
I don’t know. I lost track.
Shantel Branch:
I did not. I count it. So, you know, if we were ever in prison together, one of us would just be like, let’s live. And I’’ be like, so we’ve got 734 more days. It’s what keeps me kinda rolling through that, and my playlist.
Mike King:
What’s on the playlist.
Shantel Branch:
So let me tell you about this 28 minute playlist that I have. Um, it starts with the Kirk Franklin song, I Smile, and the next song is, Special Delivery, remix, with Ghostface and Keith Murray.
Mike King:
Nice. Jarrett, can we hear you now?
Jarrett Thomas:
Yup. Perfect. Perfect. I tried to put on the headphones and it kinda kinda messed me all up. So apologies to everybody at home. So before we actually get into the topics and really what we want to accomplish for today, I just kind of want to take a step back and kind of let people know who are watching, why we decided to do rankable and what are the differences between this and our previous one, which we did as atomic SEO.
So, atomic SEO is something that we’re going to continuously be doing where there’s really something we do internally where Mike kind of goes over SEO and content, best practices, to help with our continued learning. So we can be, you know, a top of our game. And we wanted to kind of broaden that out and allow other people, listeners, prospects, clients, all the above to join with them to learn with us.
So that’s something we’ll be continuously going, but “Rankable” is just going to be our time for you to get to know the team. We’ll be talking about different topics, a wide array of topics from, you know, what we do from working from home. How are we dealing with the pandemic, how are we prospecting, how are we gaining more connected on LinkedIn, how we’re really just sharing our brand and our voice and our message.
So that’s what we’re going to do today. Um, go over some topics. We’ll have guests in the future. And I think the best way to start, I would love to hear from both of you guys. How have you guys been dealing with the pandemic? Like are you, have you guys been personally impacted? Has anybody, is everybody in the family good? You know, how is this impacting your day to day?
Mike King:
Shantel you want to take this first?
Shantel Branch:
Sure, as a native New Yorker, I feel like you are less than a degree away from people who are being actually affected by COVID-19, whether they are healthcare providers or actually people who are sick. I would say that I know of the passing of about six or seven folks unfortunately, and then I also know about some really great friends who have recovered. One of my friends recently recovered from COVID-19 and he’s coming back. He was like, it was really difficult. He’s in my age group, fireman, tough guy.
And this thing is serious, you know, I’m not even a person who hangs out that much, so I don’t really know how he got it. We’re gonna have to investigate what he’s up to when no one’s looking, but he’s recovered and I’m happy to hear that. I’m also happy to hear one of my really good friends, his uncle just came off of the ventilator after three weeks and he is well, so there are some great stories of people turning it around. So if everyone just stays home and keeps out, keep the curve flat, we’ll be okay, eventually.
Jarrett Thomas:
Absolutely. How about you, Mike.
Mike King:
Luckily I don’t know anyone who was directly affected. It’s, it’s usually like one or two removes in like the Kevin bacon game for me. Um, and there’s a lot of concern because we’ve got friends or family that are in health care, so they’re super at risk. But no one I can think of off the top of my head that I’m directly connected to has it, or has had it.
Jarrett Thomas:
That’s definitely great news to hear. I feel like I’m in the same boat, but it’s getting closer and closer to home. I’m kind of in the same boat as Shantel. I know about six or seven people who have passed from COVID-19 and I know about two other people who just happen to pass right now that are non COVID-19 related and the families are dealing with, you know, how do we do a funeral properly? How do we pay our respects in a manner that makes sense.
And it’s really hard because everybody’s adjusting to it. But, you know, it’s really scary having two kids. And being a healthy buck and seeing people who are eating healthier than you, work out buffs and people will go to the gym every day. I know I don’t, you know? So to see people really being affected by it, being in a hospital, being on a ventilator is just scary.
So everybody at home, please stay safe and, you know, please stay home, do your workouts, do CrossFit, do beach body stuff. I haven’t been doing it but um, I love it. That’s a great segue cause I would love to know for you guys, how has this situation impacted your day to day life, right? As far as work. And Shantel, you are the glue in terms of our account manager here, you’re always client facing. You’re always talking to our existing clients and always building those relationships. How’s it been like for you in these uncharted waters?
Shantel Branch:
Okay, well that’s a really good question. So basically to give everyone a sense of what my work is is that, Monday through Friday I do a lot of client facing conversations, whether it’s onboarding new clients because our sales team is so great or whether it’s clients that we have that we’re maintaining. I do a lot of status calls, coordination with the team members to make sure that we’re delivering the best possible deliverables to our clients. Getting out there.
I think I do about 12 polls a week and then I have to prep for those calls and coordinate with those calls and deal with the post calls. So how do I deal with what’s going on externally? I’m pretty busy. So for my work and what I sometimes will do is put my phone to the side because you can get a text message that could just change your whole mood and we’re not in a position where I can be too sad about something that’s going on externally.
I don’t turn my television on, I don’t watch the news and I avoid looking at anything on Twitter because I need to kind of keep my front face as positive and as upbeat as possible because the people we’re working with, they too are living in this as well, so they’re trying to do their work, trying to advance these goals and dealing with the fact that once you log off for the day and you turn on whatever cable news channel you prefer and it’s just the world is like going crazy.
I think it’s great that we just have a really good team of people. We communicate a lot, we over communicate and we video chat a lot, we slack. We do everything to just stay stuck together so that when we’re dealing with clients we’re trying to make it as great of an experience as possible because I know clients are in a space where they have to look at all of their engagements and think who stays and who goes. So we have to deliver the best possible experience so that we’re not on the chopping block in any way, shape, or form.
Jarrett Thomas:
All right. I think you hit the nail on the head. I think that’s the hardest part right now. How do you keep up with that same quality? Also dealing with the new norm.I know me myself, I have two kids and the biggest change for me has been, you know how my work has been sporadic in terms of the times I’m going on. I’m used to being a nine to five guy, now I’m at eight o’clock at night till one o’clock in the morning. Cause that’s the time to do really what I need to do, aside from that, my son is all over my lap, I can’t send an email out, so staying on top of that and being able to prospect.
I know from the sales side, I think building relationships is the biggest thing, and just be empathetic, you can’t be too pushy. You know, obviously we all need revenue. We all need to keep the business moving forward. But it’s just having an understanding of the times, right? What’s going on in this situation. They may not respond to you this very moment, or the next day, it may take two, three, four days. Right? But how do you keep it going in and relationships are big to that. So as long as you understand, you’re empathetic to your clients and what they’re dealing with, we’re all in the same boat and just keep it from there. And a common understanding.
Shantel Branch:
And you guys are doing a great job. You know, you’re still chugging along. The sales team is still selling, so you’re keeping the client services team very busy. Well done.
Jarrett Thomas:
I’m trying. I appreciate it. I’ll take this hat off. I’m like Danny Glover, but I’m getting grays and all that stuff. Mike, I’m curious from your perspective too, man, were there any, not even concerns, but how do you, what’s the biggest advice that you would give to other business owners right now that are not used to this remote from home life, right? And this “new normal”, right? Some people weren’t prepared for this, but what are some of the biggest tips that you’ve seen to help us get prepared and what do you see it be moving forward?
Mike King:
Yeah, I think it’s really just having a good basis of communication and project management. I think that our team has improved at those things dramatically in the last six weeks. And I think it’s just a force thing. They have to get better at them, but everyone has stepped up in those ways so that they can better deliver this work that we do. So I would say, put the processes in place, work with people to figure out how they work best and then continue to reinforce that so that everybody can get their job done.
Jarrett Thomas:
Yeah, totally agree with that, man. Is there anything in terms of any other tips of tricks like for other business owners? I know the loans things, I’ve seen what happened with the loans, the PPP ran out of money. Any other tips for loans, anything like that that you could point them in the right direction to make sure their financials are in order and things of that nature? Any advice that you would give on that front? Because I’ve seen a lot of business owners put that up and it’s really tough. And if PPPs are out, any other things you’ve seen or read that might be helpful?
Mike King:
Well, every city, every state has their own like sets of grants and things. Just do couple searches. You’ll come across some things that are specific to your state that can help you out. Because the reality is PPP is gone, the EIDL loans still haven’t been rolled out really. So we’re waiting on Congress to pass some more money. But you gotta keep your business alive until that happens. So there’s also secondary lenders. I don’t necessarily recommend those, but they exist. So you could also reach out to some of those as well. Yeah, that’s all I got.
Jarrett Thomas:
Yup. Perfect. So in terms of Shantel, so, what we wanted to do with this rankable is kind of rank some things. So what are, what are some of the top things that you are missing about the office and what are some of the things that you’re looking forward to once we do return? What’s the first thing you’re doing when your in the office?
Shantel Branch:
The first thing, you know what, when we packed up, we packed up pretty quickly. I don’t know if most folks know. iPullRank was one of the first people I knew who went to work from home. So we’ve been working from home a little bit longer than other folks that I’m aware of and we plan to leave, I didn’t pack up my little Mariah Carey and my hormone monster. So the first thing I’m going to do is go and check on my babies that are on my desk, you know, the little Funko things. And I think for my birthday I found out I got an email to go with Mariah Carey and little hormone monster. I’m getting the baby biggie smalls that’s going to be on my desk. The first thing I’m going to do is run to my desk, make sure they’re okay and I’m not sure I may bring them home.
Mike King:
So Shantelle I can confirm they’re still on your desk, went to the office like three days ago.
Shantel Branch:
Yeah. Yeah. I thought about trying to make my way into the city, but I was like, I don’t know.
Mike King:
I don’t recommend it, I don’t recommend it.
Shantel Branch:
Yeah, I do want another screen, but I think I’m just going to have to gut it out without the second screen. I don’t think it’s going to be okay.
Jarrett Thomas:
That’s a great plan. I miss my second screen.
Shantel Branch:
Yes. So there’s my desk. What was your other question? It was a two part question, Jarrett.
Jarrett Thomas:
No, just what are some things that you missed at our office right now that you don’t have in your home office and what are some things that you can’t wait to do when you do get there?
Shantel Branch:
I missed the white wall. I have a wall that’s painted with whiteboard paint and I can’t write on the walls in my apartment. I mean, I could, but like then I’d have to deal with that. But I do miss having a whiteboard just to scribble things on to and kind of just to go through. So I become even more analog. So I keep one of these and I keep my iPullRank pen right here on my left side and that’s where all my notes go. But yeah, I just want to write on some walls and I miss my coffee guy.
Jarrett Thomas:
I definitely missed the coffee guy. I can’t get my green line to hit like the way he does. Don’t know why. I’m going to bring him out and that’s all I’ve been trying with the pods and the Keurig cups.
Shantel Branch:
Oh no, no. I use a French press.
Jarrett Thomas:
I see you. You’re way more advanced than I am. How about you Mike? What are some things, I could imagine, you know, you’re like me, two kids, man. What are some of the things you’re looking forward to when you get in the office? I’m probably like, I just want to go there.
Mike King:
Quiet time, the video studio, I miss being able to just be like, idea, go make a video.
Shantel Branch:
When we get back into office, we have to move very quickly in terms of our podcasting because it just bums me out and I’m like, everything’s there because that would’ve been a really great break from our day to day to be able to like record the podcast at home because a lot of podcast podcasts are recording and we would have, it’s fine. We’re going to do it. Our podcast is going to be awesome.
Jarrett Thomas:
Yeah. Just just for everybody at home. We will be still doing the podcast and this is our version of the podcast, but we felt it much better to sit here. You know, you’d be able to see you guys engage with you and really just get to know us. But if there are any questions, I hope you’re feeding them into the chat, please let us know. We’d love to answer any questions. In the meantime we’ll still continue to rank some of the things that we do like, don’t like from working from hollow.
I’ll go to this one. I think this is a really cool one. What are the best and worst usage or usages of Zoom right now? What have you seen like, Oh, that’s really creative and what have you seen? It’s like, Oh, come on.
Shantel Branch:
Mike. What are you seeing in the land of Zoom.
Mike King:
Uh, it’s more, I see like my daughter doing things on Zoom, so she does like yoga classes and dance classes and things. And she does school. So aside from the meetings that we have, that’s the only interesting thing that I see.
Shantel Branch:
What about you Jarrett? What do you have going on?
Jarrett Thomas:
Well, I could definitely tell you one of the worst things I’ve seen. I would say, what’s the thing we did a couple of weeks back? the rosé mansion one. Yeah. I liked the creative backgrounds and how creative people are getting with their backgrounds, but I don’t like it being 300 people in a zoom and not being able to say anything. I don’t know. I’m looking at you. Then it changes to some other row of people. I’m like, what’s going on? Then looking at my background, it’s just, yeah, it’s too much. Personally, I prefer intimate settings like 50is the top, is the max for me, you just can’t do it.
Shantel Branch:
I see what you’re saying. I mean you guys know that the 30th was my birthday, so I had my birthday party on zoom and it was not just, it was a meeting of my friends, New York friends, Atlanta, LA, it was pretty nice. Um, Philly, um, we all got together. We were on zoom. We all had cocktails. I put on makeup and earrings. And we just talked all kinds of, it was very loud at points. One of my really good friends is a DJ, so he DJed for a little bit. It was like a section, it was like having a VIP section but in my home office, but it was lovely. Um, bad uses of zoom. I would say to many people, I think a hundred is too many. For my party, I think it was never more than 15 people at a time.
Jarrett Thomas:
Got it, got it.
Shantel Branch:
Like if I was to have a VIP section though and the people with the exception of the babies because there were some babies who floated but you know, it would have been those folks there. So it was really nice.
Jarrett Thomas:
Would you do it again?
Shantel Branch:
I would probably want a more toned down happy hour than the one I was invited to.
Mike King:
I will say, me and my family, we do like a wine hour on Sundays and that’s cool too cause we’re all just like drinking and hanging out and just catching up and I get to play with my snap camera and they’re like, Oh, how do you do that?
Shantel Branch:
Yeah. And what’s the new wine recommendation? Cause you know, your family is like, what do you got?
Mike King:
I mean there’s not much recommendation. There’s just a lot of drinking.
Shantel Branch:
Oh well you gotta you have to start telling, giving us a weekly recommendation on our weekly status so we can get like you, we like wine.
Mike King:
Shantel Branch:
Cool. Anita (live audience) said that there are whiteboards, um, sheets that cover a wall with static and you can cover like two walls. Maybe I should do that.
Mike King:
Is that easy to take them?
Shantel Branch:
I don’t know. My lease is for two more years. I’m not going anywhere.
Jarrett Thomas:
And we also have a question from Nate too. What he asked is how has our daily routine changed since working from home?
Mike King:
I don’t think Shantel’s has changed, just not getting the train or bus.
Shantel Branch:
Yes. Wel I get up, the alarm clock goes off, I get up, I play the playlist that starts with Kirk Franklin and ends with Ghostface killah because that’s them. Um, I pick out my outfit even though it’s usually leggings or sweatpants, but like I decided, I take very long showers. I do a whole lotion. I don’t put on makeup. This is just for you guys. I do not do all of this for my coworkers, but I usually, I’ll have a week where it’s like head wraps or lip gloss or something just to keep me going. So when I walk from my bedroom to my desk area, I don’t go back to my bedroom until the evening. Yeah. That is a different setup. So until I log off, I don’t go back in there. I think I’ve got a good size apartment.
Jarrett Thomas:
I know for me personally it’s changed. Everything has changed. Hours are like eight to one, two o’clock maybe even sometimes three in the morning, depending on what we’ve got on the table for the next day. And I kind of wake up at nine o’clock right before our morning meetings depending on sometimes if I’m really lucky. It might be eight, eight thirty but it’s hard to switch it off.
You know, some days I’m doing like three hours from nine to twelve, I really get some time. But then my girlfriend, she’s teaching from 12 to two, so I have to stop and be with the baby from those points and then getting back in a groove and turn it back off, t’s difficult for sure. I know a lot of people are dealing with that. And Mike, I could imagine you man, but you, you’ve been pumping out content like crazy. You’ve been killing it.
Mike King:
It was super difficult at first because with kids running around, you’re trying to write, you can’t really focus, you can’t tell if what you’re writing is good or not. So it was really slowing down the process. But you know, me and my girl just started switching off here and there. Mostly her watching the kids and then me being in here just like focusing. But if she has an important meeting, then I go out and watch them. But it’s very difficult to establish a consistent flow of things.
Jarrett Thomas:
Yeah. We have a question from Jean (live audience). She asked the how the sleep pattern have changed, especially with the kids.
Shantel Branch:
Oh, y’all can’t, we all canceled bedtime.
Jarrett Thomas:
Bedtime is done.
Mike King:
We still stay on the standard process for sleeping, but my sleep patterns are different for sure.
Jarrett Thomas:
I’m getting five hours, six hours if I’m lucky.
Mike King:
Yeah. I’m finding myself going to sleep later and waking up earlier.
Shantel Branch:
Well, I had got a little bit out of sorts one night cause I got caught up on that show, little fires everywhere. You know what, it was boring the first episode and then it just takes off. It’s really good, stick with it though, which is what I try to tell my sister all the time and she usually abandons it but just stick with it, stick with the show.
But we positioned my melatonin and I’ve been sleeping before midnight every day this week, which I find allows me to perform better because I do spend a lot of time facing folks and talking to them and trying to kind of, I don’t want to say set the vibe. So I have to have good energy and my energy is not always good if I’m not sleeping well. You know what I mean?
So I have to force myself to take the melatonin and not drink too much because alcohol sleep is not sleep, you’re passed out for those of you who asked. So I just take melatonin and tried to shut it down and just, I got to get my eight to nine hours of straight focus on my work. So, uh, I just need my energy.
Jarrett Thomas:
What would you guys rank your top three? What are your top three go to shows right now?
Mike King:
Better call Saul, Ozark and probably Blackish.
Jarrett Thomas:
I’ve got to get into Blackish. I’ve only seen like one or two episodes, but I keep hearing it’s really good.
Mike King:
It’s great. It’s like the modern Cosby show.
Jarrett Thomas:
I know me. I’ll still with the Ozarks. Definitely for sure. Um, Narcos, Mexico. I just rewatched that. That last season was incredible, if you’re into action, the action is crazy. And what was a good movie? Um, I actually just saw, but Shantel you go into, I just lost the, had a great movie we just saw like two days ago.
Shantel Branch:
So because we’re trying to maintain the connections, myself and my sister are rewatching, well, I’m rewatching the wire. My sister’s watching the wire for the first time, a joy to behold someone discovering this for the first time. And sometimes she’s really like her predictions. I’m like, sure you’ve never seen this before? She’s like this is this and this person is that. It’s such a great show.
I’m also watching the plot against America on HBO, which is really good. It’s heavy, but it’s super good. If anyone has time to think about bad thoughts about the forties, it’s a really good show. And um, little fires everywhere. Those are the three things that I would say, I’m watching and makeup tutorials on YouTube.
Jarrett Thomas:
I tried to cut my hair and it wasn’t happening. The Clippers didn’t agree with me, but uh, yeah. Also if we’re ranking, what’s the worst thing to watch right now? Please stay off the news. I watched the new for two hours straight. I was watching Don lemon and next thing you know, I’m on a couch with a whole hazmat. Doesn’t work, doesn’t work. It’s not healthy. Please don’t.
Shantel Branch:
Did you guys see the scheme on HBO. Did you guys see that with the young man who, he was like a NCAA, I don’t want to call him a recruiter. He was like a connector where he would connect agents, coaches and players, itwas a booster thing. It was a booster but he really almost caught up in some bad stuff. It’s worth a watch if you guys have time.
Jarrett Thomas:
Yea, definitely.
Mike King:
Yeah. I popped up on a webinar yesterday and like right before they introduced me they were like, yeah, so I’m introducing, I hope he’s here and I’m like, where else would I be? It’s not like I got a basketball game to attend.
Shantel Branch:
Catch a little handball down at the court.
Jarrett Thomas:
We’re almost done. No, we only have three more minutes. I’d love to hear from the crowd. We actually have one question from Rob (live audience). He was like, how do you try to keep a schedule? He’s working heavy OT, projects to 1:00 AM and backup at the kids at 6:30 Oh my goodness. Feels like getting hit with a brick reading that. I know the feeling, man.
Shantel Branch:
How do you guys keep your patience?
Mike King:
Patience? Hmmm…
Shantel Branch:
Fair. That’s honest. I like that. Thank you.
Mike King:
I keep my patience by hiring fantastic account managers. So they can be the patient ones.
Shantel Branch:
Ah, yes, cause I think my family is on this. I’m sure that they will tell you that I’m the most patient person that they know and that they are aware of. Yes, Shantel Branch, patient.
Jarrett Thomas:
I think I have to be. The kids? Not so much sometimes, but I’m definitely getting there as far as clients. But you gotta be patient right now, like you said, empathetic, know what’s going on. But everything else in this house, I’m driving my kids crazy. I know that.
Mike King:
So Rob asked, what’s the role of our account managers? Shantel, why don’t you tell him.
Shantel Branch:
Hi, I’m Shantel Branch. I’m one of the account managers here at iPullRank. My responsibility is to, once Jarrett sells to a client, for me to take them, bring them on board, everything from soup to nuts. So launch them, onboarding them, servicing them, questioning them when things are not going as well as we’d like them to, solving their problems. And also maintaining the relationships for as long as we can maintain them.
Mike King:
Jarrett Thomas:
Yup. And since Shantel has been on board, like everything has been fantastic and Shantel is great at what she does. I know every client that we’ve worked with, I’ve worked with personally loves her, she has been doing a fantastic job, especially right now. Hats off to you, Shantel. Cause I know I couldn’t do it man. It’s very hard, difficult, your patience, but you’ve done a great job. Certainly appreciate it.
Shantel Branch:
Say the last part, I’m patient. People need to know, Shantel is very patient.
Mike King:
You’re going to have video proof that people think you’re patient
Shantel Branch:
Yeah. You actually make that a clip. So Rob hired one this week who starts officially today. So he’s starting, how’s he onboarding?
Mike King:
Yeah, that’s what I was going to say. I’m curious what it’s like to be onboarded in a remote capacity? I’m sure people do it every day, but we’ve never had to do that. Right? So like, let’s say we move forward with a candidate soon, which you know, we may or may not do. Um, what does that process need to look like to make it so one, they feel like they’re connected, they’re involved, they know everything they need to know to be a valuable contribution to the team.
Jarrett Thomas:
Yes. That’s tough. I mean, personally I feel like when you go on onto a new job, I think that in person interaction means everything. I’m a big person on energy cause I like to see the team, I like to meet the team, have questions and doing it online, I’m not sure it’s gonna have that same effect. And then most businesses haven’t planned or prepped for things like this. So how do you, how do you integrate and how do you make sure it’s a seamless transition from you starting to you implementing and doing your job?
Shantel Branch:
See, it looks like Rob has a pretty solid process for the onboarding. They do everything utilizing zoom. It’s probably a lot of one-on-one conversations.
Jarrett Thomas:
Yeah. Has to be has to be. And we have a question from Brian. Does Shantel have tips for people to be more patient?
Shantel Branch:
Yes I do. Take a deep breath. Think whatever you’re thinking and then speak what you need to speak. So allow yourself to feel however you’re feeling. But then you still have to be mindful of what your task at hand is and you need to do that.
Mike King:
So here’s the thing, cause I do that all the time, right? But that deep breath comes out as a *sigh* and then what happens is what I was thinking escapes through my mouth.
Shantel Branch:
Well I don’t know anything about that.
Jarrett Thomas:
All right guys, just want to say thank you to everybody who has joined. We really appreciate the engagement. The questions. Thank you for joining us. It means a lot to us. We’ll be doing this continuously. And remember, this is going to be in the portion where we just want to have an intimate conversation with you guys, get to know you, help you get to know us, and hopefully work with you guys in the future and really just have some topics that we can talk that affects us all.
So we’ll also be having guests. We’re really excited about that. If you guys could help us with any feedback, any questions, please, we’d love to make this as best as possible and we look forward to seeing and joining you guys. Please feel free to connect, like share, comment, Linkedin, I’m Jarrett Thomas, Shantel Branch, Mike King. Please connect with us all and I really appreciate you all. See you guys!

- Rankable Ep.55 – The Balance Between Trending SEO and Evergreen - October 8, 2021
- Rankable Ep.54 – How SEO and PPC Work Hand in Hand - October 1, 2021
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