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Calculating and communicating the value of search engine optimization, or SEO, can be hard. While SEOs may know very well how their efforts improve rankings, visibility and ultimately drive more traffic, calculating the exact monetary value of those efforts isn’t easy. But it is possible.

Aligning value to SEO starts with calculating the return on investment, or ROI. By taking the cost of investment into account, it’s easier to calculate the impact SEO efforts make on the bottom line.

Because calculating ROI for SEO isn’t as simple as it is for other marketing channels, it’s normal for businesses to value alternative marketing efforts over SEO. When it comes time to cut marketing costs, SEO is often the first to fall purely because of the lack of the value communicated to the business.

Our Guide aims to equip you with all the information, tools and techniques you need to forecast, predict and calculate the return on investment for SEO. By providing the dollar amount, or value to the results being seen thanks to SEO implementations, you’ll be able to justify the investment in SEO, as well as push for additional resources for the future.

In this guide, you’ll learn how SEO can generate ROI, how to forecast and predict the ROI for SEO, how to measure SEO performance and how to calculate the ROI for SEO.

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