Episode 6 - Building Agency Partner Programs With Reputation and Standards


On Episode 6 of Advice From The Hart, Chris shares his methodology for building partnership programs that deliver and even exceed expectations.

He discusses why trust is so important to make the relationship work and how to make sure value is there for all involved.


[1:03] connecting the dots

I’ve been reaching out, speaking to some vendors that have had successful partnership programs.  

It’s all about you:

  • How do I set up a successful partnership program?
  • What are the things we inherently bring to the table that can be offered as value to somebody else to reciprocate with the value back?

[3:29] Choosing the right partners

A partnership may fail a million times for all sorts of various reasons. But if you find the right partner, that structure may work perfectly.

When working with another agency, we’ll discuss ways in which we’re complimentary.

There are relationships where we’ve invested in the exchange and said, “Okay, how do you want to do the deliverable?” We like to be transparent from the beginning. We’ll say, “We can do deliverable ABC.”

We provide deliverables to the receiving agency in a way that allows them to be successful with the client as they’ve defined success. Not how we’ve defined success, which may be different for all sorts of various reasons. 

[7:50] Reputation and standards

I want to make sure the deliverable they have is of the quality they need to be successful with their client.

It’s about, how can well-placed strategic relationships and partnerships benefit both parties, but not give away what each party has at its core that is beneficial to their own business?

[12:36] Trust, Value, And Participation

What does a successful partnership look like?

  • Be open-minded
  • Know when to engage and when to run
  • Enter talks looking to understand the other party
  • The value needs to be obvious

Christopher Hart

Title: Executive Director of Client Strategy at iPullRank

Bio: Interactive marketing veteran specializing in strategy, operations, business development, client services, project management, and leadership of Search Engine Optimization “SEO” for digital/social/mobile/content marketing campaigns that enable clients & organizations to drive measurable returns while consistently exceeding expectations.

Leveraging 20 years of interactive experience, he has optimized integrated programs across all channels in the Publishing, Entertainment, Insurance, Finance, Banking, Energy, Legal, B2B, and B2C industries.

Host: Garrett Sussman

Title: Demand Generation Manager

Garrett loves SEO like the 90s loves slap bracelets.

Every other week he interviews Chris about the world of enterprise brands and their agency relationships.

Enjoy this series? Check out Garrett’s video show round-up of everything search engine optimization: The SEO Weekly

Garrett Sussman

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