Rankable Ep. 67 – Navigating the Modern Remote Workplace

On Ep. 67 of iPullRank’s Rankable Podcast, Garrett Sussman hosts Ruth Burr Reedy, Vice President of Strategy at Upbuild, to discuss the topic of how to navigate the modern remote workplace.

Ruth Burr Reedy is the Vice President of Strategy at UpBuild, a fully-distributed marketing agency specializing in technical SEO, advanced web analytics, and whole-funnel technical marketing strategy. 

In the 15+ years that Ruth has been working in SEO, she’s worked at agencies, as an independent consultant, and in-house, including a stint as the Head of SEO at Moz.

We’re all still figuring out how to manage in a remote work environment as more organizations have fully embraced that they’re not going back to the office. 

What’s working for SEO teams that are connecting in slack channels, email, and Zoom meetings? Can asynchronous communication thrive across a distributed SEO team? 

We talked to Ruth Burr Reedy about what she’s experienced and how she’s found strategies and managing techniques that are helping her teams thrive. In this episode, we’ll also cover:

  • Making recommendations your clients will actually implement
  • Building and managing a remote team
  • Defending work/life balance when you work from home (especially as a parent)
  • How the pandemic has changed agency/client relationships

Check out our Modern Enterprise SEO Guide:

Garrett Sussman

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