The Rankable Podcast


Featuring Victor Pan

In episode 125,  Victor Pan of HubSpot joins the show for a deep exploration into the world of search intent and its broader implications.

Victor shares some insight into the Department of Justice’s lawsuit against Google, examining its relationship with search intent. He provides some valuable thoughts on the complexities of understanding search intent and how it shapes user experiences online.

We also discuss the concept of the data void in search, information gain, and the impact on information accessibility and quality.

Episode Time Stamps

  • [0:00] Intro

  • [1:55] Search Intent and the DOJ Lawsuit Against Google

  • [8:11] Understanding Search Intent

  • [15:31] The Data Void in Search

  • [24:40] The Value of Information Gain

  • [40:43] Rapid Fire Rankings

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This Week's guests

Victor "Good Human Being" Pan

Title: Principle Marketing Manager, SEO

Company: HubSpot

Bio: Victor used to be the guy who ranked for almost all internet marketing keywords you would Google, like black hat SEO. Then he shifted from working at a sweaty start-up to wearing dress shirts to make sure you take proper care of your teeth for the brands Crest & Oral-B at Procter & Gamble. Now he finds excuses to talk to others 1-1 and hopes you will also make the web just a little bit kinder at HubSpot.

Website: HubSpot


Top 3 of anything:  

  • Uncomfortable Silences
  • Conspiracy Theories
  • Weird things on the internet

Rank your best SEO marketing win:

HubSpot Ecosystem

Rank your top 3 SEO tools:  

Rank your best SEO or trick or tactic:

Keep your old URLs over creating new ones.

Rank what you love most about the SEO industry:

  • It’s not new.
  • It’s always “dying”
  • There’s no one way to be successful in an SEO career.

Rank your top 1-3 marketers:

Rank your best SEO learning resource:

Reach out to people who really know their stuff.

HubSpot Academy.

Rank your top cause or charity:

Wire money directly to the causes you believe in. Mine is Ukranian armed forces.

Host: Garrett Sussman

Title: Demand Generation Manager

Garrett loves SEO like the 90s loves slap bracelets.

Each week he interviews the most interesting people in the world (of SEO). When he’s not crafting content, he’s scouting the perfect ice coffee, devouring the newest graphic novels, and concocting a new recipe in the kitchen.

Get insights, stories, and strategies from a range of practitioners and executives leading the charge in SEO.

Enjoy this podcast? Check out Garrett’s video show round-up of everything search engine optimization: The SEO Weekly

Aaron Johnson