Rank & File: How to Audit JavaScript Websites

Rank & File - How To Audit JavaScript Websites

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the inaugural post of Rank and File, a new video series that we’ll be doing every Wednesday here at iPullRank. While this first posting will obviously remind you of Rand Fishkin’s/Moz’s Whiteboard Friday, I don’t intend to limit it to just whiteboard videos. Rather, I’ll use this space for those as well as screen share videos, interviews, overly-produced green screen videos, or maybe even Will Smith-style raves and rants with drone photography — if the spirit moves me. I just want to use this space with very few rules and more opportunities to creatively share insights. In other words, if Whiteboard Friday is the Daily Show, I want “Rank and File” to be Wyatt Cenac’s Problem Areas.

Since my conference presentations are often quite dense, I realize that there is value in going more in-depth in a more bite-sized 10-15 minute format on a single subset of the bigger subject. My goal is to bring you something worth thinking about and/or adding to your arsenal as a marketer every Wednesday.

If there’s anything you want to hear about, feel free to join the conversation here in the comments, on Twitter, our Facebook page, or LinkedIn and we’ll be working the more interesting subjects into the queue.

Before we get into it, I want to give a shout-out to our amazing designer, Jay Jacobsen, for whipping up the bumper animations and wrangling the poorly lit whiteboard room at Tower 49. I also want to give a shout-out to Tonedeff for providing the bumper music.

Now, without further adieu, I give you “How to Audit JavaScript Websites.”

Additional Resources:

Now over to you, what issues have you run into with JavaScript and SEO?

Mike King


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